Now, All Your Data Is Backed Up For FREE with DryStream
DryStream TOUCH EPoS systems come with FREE Cloud Backup*.
Relying on any computer system means you need to take data backups. In the past you would do that with disks, CD’s or memory sticks that need to be swapped daily and stored carefully away from the shop.
Now, DryStream TOUCH systems are supplied with FREE (optional) cloud backup with unlimited storage*.
Backups are automatic and protect your DryStream data plus any other data you keep on your DryStream TOUCH EPoS system.
FREE and Unlimited Cloud Data Backup* plus FREE and Unlimited telephone support for life. Only DryStream takes such good care of you, your business and your EPoS system.
It’s no wonder that DryStream is the Industry’s Choice.
Contact DryStream on 020 8441 0102 for full details, terms and conditions.
* Cloud data backup is provided free of charge for the 1st 12 months and thereafter for all customers who choose to take a DryStream maintenance plan. Terms and Conditions apply, please ask for details.
The Industry’s Choice of EPoS Systems for Dry Cleaners & Launderers Since 1993